JM Internet Group Announces 2016 SEO Book, the SEO Fitness Workbook, Now Tops 161 Reviews on Amazon

by Admin

07 Mar
 SEO book    News

The JM Internet Group is a top publisher and training company on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for small businesses.

The JM Internet Group is a top publisher and training company on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for small businesses. The company's new 2016 SEO Fitness Workbook has topped 161 reviews on Amazon, making it the most popular book on the site.

The JM Internet Group, a top provider of SEO Training online, is proud to announce that the SEO Fitness Workbook, has now topped 161 reviews on Amazon, making it the most highly reviewed book on search engine optimization on the online retail site.The book outlines the hands-on, step-by-step methodology of small business SEO taught by Jason McDonald in the company's online courses as well as his courses in the San Francisco Bay Area. Newly updated for 2016, the book overviews new Google updates such as Penguin, Panda, and Hummingbird as well as Google's move to prioritize mobile-friendly websites.

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