SEO and Web design. Two birds of a feather...

by Admin

11 Oct
 None    Site Promotion

by Joe Balestrino

by Joe Balestrino

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and web design go hand in hand. One cannot function without the other. Sure, you could have a well designed website on the internet and pay for traffic and advertising. However, no one will find you while doing a search. The benefits of being found on search engines will cut the cost of paid advertising. Yet everyday there are people who spend a great deal of money to have a site designed but wouldn't think of having it optimized. Why, you ask? Is it the cost of SEO? Would they rather have a site created and avoid optimization to save a few bucks? If that's the case, what do they plan to do with this site when it is completed? Advertise? SEO is advertising. It is actually one of the cheapest forms of advertising.

Were they planning on a PPC campaign? Buying banners? Page impressions on some click network? You've got to be kidding me. Why would anyone waste their money on those subpar options before optimizing their site?

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