SEO PowerSuite Comes Up with InLink Rank, a Replacement for Google PageRank

by Admin

18 Feb

The newly-released metric lets webmasters see at a glance the ranking power, authority and link quality of any page and domain on the Web.

The newly-released metric lets webmasters see at a glance the ranking power, authority and link quality of any page and domain on the Web.

For years, Google PageRank used to be the SEO industry standard for measuring the importance of web pages and the algorithm behind the pursued Google rankings. Recently, the access to the public version of PageRank has been closed, and online marketers have gone blind about how authoritative their websites are. Today Link-Assistant.Com released an alternative to PageRank, InLink rank, which at large replicates the original PageRank formula. Link-Assistant.Com is the company behind SEO PowerSuite, professional software for full-cycle SEO campaigns.

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