Men and Women and Search

by Admin

11 Jan
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by Gord Hotchkiss

A recent PEW Internet study ( exploring how men and women use the Internet points out some interesting differences between the sexes. This caught my attention because in every study we've done; we've tried to break out results by gender and explored the different usage patterns. It's been fascinating to see how millions of years of conditioning and the differences in our respective genetic wiring have impacted our use of a new technology. The PEW study echoed a lot of what we had seen. What I'd like to do over the next two columns is explore this further. Today, I'll present some of the more interesting findings from the PEW study and ours, and next week I'll provide my thoughts on why we may be seeing what we're seeing.

Googles BigDaddy Datacenter

by Admin

09 Jan
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by Rob Sullivan

Last month Matt Cutts mentioned that there was a new datacenter Google was testing, however he didn't get into too many details about what it was or why they were testing it.

Today, Matt unveiled 'BigDaddy' (the name they gave it) in his blog. In it he explains what BigDaddy is and isn't.

For one thing, BigDaddy ISN'T a new algorithm. But it is a new foundation for Google. In other words, this new datacenter contains new code that will be rolled out to the other datacenters in the coming months to help improve Google.

While some are reporting that they are seeing different results on the datacenter Matt insists that is more a case of the changing infrastructure than an actual algorithm shift which we normally associate with a Google update.

We Are What We Search? Hopefully Not!

by Admin

07 Jan
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by Gord Hotchkiss

To judge from the various most popular search lists that are showing up as the year draws to a close, the average search user is a pubescent male, with an IQ that hovers in the low 90's, and who spends an unhealthy amount of time in his room. I have said, on several occasions, that our search patterns are a reflection of our society. If that's true, our society's intellect is about as deep as the ring left by a Starbucks coffee cup.

When I saw the first list come in my email, I don't know why I was surprised. After all, Pamela Anderson holds the record as the most searched for term for the past decade, and Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are breathing down her neck. But come on; are we really as shallow as our searches seem to indicate?

Technology Predictions for 2006 and Reflections on 2005

by Admin

06 Jan
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by S. Housley

2005 Took the World by Storm

2005 literally took the world by storm. The tragedies of the Asian Tsunami, the Hurricanes that blew through the US Gulf Coast and the earthquakes that swallowed parts of Pakistan have left an indelible mark on 2005. While mother nature cast a shadow on 2005, it was technology that delivered the impact that resulted in a huge outpouring of donations. The world was touched by the human element seen real-time in pictures and videos. Today's technology was able to deliver the graphical grittiness that portrayed the nightmares occurring half a world away.

Using Feeds to Promote Your Site

by Admin

05 Jan
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by Rob Sullivan

I love web feeds, also known as RSS or XML feeds. They are so flexible and can provide you with so much information.

That's why in this week's article I'm going to explain how you too can develop a deep admiration for feeds. This is because the use of feeds is growing and will continue to do so in the coming year. If you aren't into feeds by now my question is why not?

Everywhere you look, feeds are available. We have feeds available for all our articles on this site. In fact, if you look to the right of this article you will see the common bright orange "XML" icon denoting the URL to our feed. Below that you will also see we've given you a handy link to add this feed to your Google home page, as well as your my Yahoo! page and even your "MyWeb 2.0" page.

Is Google Adsense Killing Your Business?

by Admin

04 Jan
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by Joe Balestrino

As an SEO expert, I do site evaluations daily. It amazes me how people are willing to put Google ads all over their pages in the interest of earning a few extra bucks without considering the consequences to their business. Think about it. If you are selling a service or product, why would you allow the ads of your competitors on your site? Are you willing to sacrifice a sale for the few pennies you'll make if someone clicks on the ads? It's ok to include Google ads in some instances, even I have some ads on my site. Knowing where and when to allow google ads on your pages is key to maximizing revenue from your traffic while minimizing the chances of lost business.

Google ads are based on the content that is on your site. Because your content is about a particular product or service, the ads on your site will also be about similar products or services. If the ads are compelling enough, people will click them and leave your site. Sure, you'll make some chump change, but how much would you have made on a sale if you hadn't given your customers a window to the competition?

Link Popularity and PageRank misconceptions and facts

by Admin

03 Jan
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by Andrei Smith

In this article I'll try to demystify Link Popularity and PageRank, or PR, clarify some common misconceptions and tell you how things work, in plain English, with facts and examples. Link Popularity is based on the premise that people link to good sites, and if a lot of people link to your site, then it must be good. In plain English, if other sites are linking to your site, your site is popular, therefore it is useful and deserves a boost in rankings, so people can find it faster and easier.

Link Popularity is not specific to Google only, but was adopted by the vast majority of Search Engines.

Search Engine Friendly Web Design Advice

by Admin

02 Jan
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by Jimsun Lui

Online marketers understand the importance of getting top search engine rankings in major search engines. Therefore, they spend a great deal of time in optimizing website content, seeking inbound links, and optimizing Title and Meta Tags. However, many of them ignore the fact that web design structure has a role in search engine optimization (SEO). You cannot just rely on web designers because they could be good at web design, but may not be good at SEO.

Greater Online Exposure through Press Release Submissions

by Admin

30 Dec
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by Hillary Lane

Every business owner looks for ways to constantly stay ahead of their competitors when doing business on the Internet, or in general. The main component of success involves increasing their website visibility in the search engines. Obtaining better search engine placement and having increased online exposure is a process that takes time, patience, and access to qualified resources. The solution? The implementation of press release submissions will be one giant leap toward a successful online marketing strategy.

5 Ways To Improve Your Adsense Earnings

by Admin

29 Dec
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by Erika Ackerman

If webmasters want to monetize their websites, the great way to do it is through Adsense. There are lots of webmasters struggling hard to earn some good money a day through their sites. But then some of the 'geniuses' of them are enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Adsense ads on their websites. What makes these webmasters different from the other kind is that they are different and they think out of the box.

The ones who have been there and done it have quite some useful tips to help those who would want to venture into this field. Some of these tips have boosted quite a lot of earnings in the past and is continuously doing so.

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