Ask Jeeves Gears Up

by Admin

12 Jun
 None    Search Engines

by Rob Sullivan

By now I am sure you have heard that Ask Jeeves bought a small unknown company called Tukaroo. What you may not know is that Tukaroo was in the business to build a search application which could search both your desktop and the web in a seamless "end-to-end" search experience.

Desktop search is the new buzzword these days, with both Microsoft and Google developing these types of applications. It is kind of surprising to me to see Ask wading into this market. At least until you consider what the outcome could be.

Of course if you take MSN, Google and Yahoo! out of the mix for a while, it does make sense. With the recent acquisition of IWon, Excite and Myway and of course the purchase of Tukaroo, Ask is trying to set itself up as a legitimate alternate to the big 3.

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