Tips for Successful Banner Advertising Campaigns

by Admin

30 Mar
 None    Site Promotion

by Rebecca Maynes

When online ban­ner ads first came on the scene, the con­cept was rev­o­lu­tion­ary and changed the face of adver­tis­ing. Despite the grand entrance, how­ever, ban­ner ads became seen as a pest, bom­bard­ing users, and caus­ing them to actively avoid them. Sev­eral years, and many tests later, best prac­tices for ban­ner adver­tis­ing have been estab­lished to guide mar­keters towards cre­at­ing suc­cess­ful cam­paigns that encour­age users to actu­ally click on the ads. Ban­ner adver­tis­ing is now a proven, and highly effec­tive way to bring tar­geted traf­fic to your site, or land­ing page.

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