Video SEO Expert David Jenyns Speaks at WordPress Conference WordCamp Melbourne 2013

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10 Jun
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Reveals the Future for Online Marketing

In late April 2013, the renowned blog platform WordPress held a conference called WordCamp in Melbourne, Australia. Video SEO expert and Melbourne SEO Services' founder David Jenyns reveals to audiences video is the way of online marketing for the future.

Melbourne, Victoria - June 08, 2013 -- Over Anzac Day weekend in late April the popular blog platform WordPress held their renowned WordCamp conference in Melbourne, Australia. Among the impressive list if industry professionals was Australian native David Jenyns of Melbourne SEO Services, speaking about his passion for WordPress and expertise in video SEO. His time on stage included the path he believes online marketing will take as well as a solid question and answer session from the crowd. "A lot of changes have happened to SEO over the past twelve months, so it was great to give such relevant content to a large, interested audience," says Mr. Jenyns.

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