New Effective Disk Quota Management Solution for Windows

by Admin

27 Sept
 None    Software

Minsk, Belarus - September 26, 2005 - WinQuota LLC announces the release of 2.0 version of the disk quota management utility WinQuota. This version brings new features as updated user interface, updated and expanded documentation, and support of external scripts execution if software limitations exceed.

WinQuota is an automatic disk quota management mechanism. It was designed to cover all the Administrator necessities concerning managing space limits and monitoring their keeping. WinQuota hard limits cannot be exceeded, but in the case of attempting to use more space than quota set, administrator intervention is not required to unlock/solve quota overflow.

RSS Security

by Admin

27 Sept
 None    Internet Related

by S. Housley

RSS is growing at a lightening speed. What was once only known as a "techie tool", RSS is becoming a tool that is continuously being used by the general population. Along with the good comes, the not so good. And while some have mentioned the emergence of RSS spam, where content publishers dynamically generate nonsensical feeds stuffed with keywords, the real concern relates to security. While an annoyance to the search engines, spam in RSS feeds pales in comparison to the possible security concerns that could be in RSS' future.

A new bad trick to get higher Google rankings

by Admin

27 Sept
 None    Site Promotion

Web site promotion software tools

Some webmasters have discovered a new trick to get inbound links from authority web sites. At the moment, it seems to be possible to improve your Google rankings with that trick.

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