I Speak Search

by Admin

19 Oct
 None    Internet Related

by Gord Hotchkiss

I'm not sure if this is being done in some university somewhere, but I would love to know if our use of search engines is changing how we communicate.

The search query is a form of communication that is deceptive in its simplicity. We are becoming adept at paring down complex concepts into a few well chosen words. There is no unnecessary filler. Even if we do throw in a few 'the's and 'what's, the search engine conveniently strips them from our query.

Think Positive - Care for your Customers

by Admin

19 Oct
 None    Internet Related

by Abe Cherian
Copyright 2005

Operating a business on a daily basis dealing with customers can actually be frustrating and they often don't make it easy for you and your employees to treat them nicely.

You need to remember where all your revenue and sales come from for your business. Every dollar in sales that your business gets comes from these customers that can sometimes be frustrating. You want to treat them well and hope that maybe they'll return another day happy and satisfied and bring family and mends.

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