Using Feeds to Promote Your Site

by Admin

05 Jan
 None    Site Promotion

by Rob Sullivan

I love web feeds, also known as RSS or XML feeds. They are so flexible and can provide you with so much information.

That's why in this week's article I'm going to explain how you too can develop a deep admiration for feeds. This is because the use of feeds is growing and will continue to do so in the coming year. If you aren't into feeds by now my question is why not?

Everywhere you look, feeds are available. We have feeds available for all our articles on this site. In fact, if you look to the right of this article you will see the common bright orange "XML" icon denoting the URL to our feed. Below that you will also see we've given you a handy link to add this feed to your Google home page, as well as your my Yahoo! page and even your "MyWeb 2.0" page.

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