Can duplicate content influence your rankings?

by Admin

05 Apr
 None    Site Promotion

Web site promotion software tools

Every few months, webmaster forums discuss if search engines penalize duplicate content.

Duplicate content can happen if web pages publish the same articles, if different domains point to the same web space or if webmasters steal the content of other pages. If two shops sell the same item and use similar shop systems, some product pages can also look like duplicated web pages.

Hey, It is Your Domain, Your Future

by Admin

05 Apr
 None    General

by Jeff Conduct

Establishing your business or organization online is critical to business planning. And a good starting point is to establish your own domain name. Since the registration process is a snap and its benefits undeniable, there's no excuse not to have your own domain registered - even for businesses or projects barely on the chalkboard.

First, you'll need to find out if your domain is available. There are several online avenues for this task. I've found the Trademark Electronic Search System, to be a valuable resource. Another option is

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