Bloglines Tracks Half a Billion Blog Articles

by Admin

09 Jun
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Doubles Index Size in Six Months

OAKLAND, Calif., June 8, 2005 -- Ask Jeeves(R), Inc. (ASKJ) today announced that Bloglines(TM) (, the world's most popular free online service for searching, subscribing, publishing and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content, has set a new standard among newsreaders: 500 million blog and news feed articles are now stored in the service's comprehensive, searchable database.

Bloglines' milestone reflects the meteoric rise in popularity of blogs as a new communication channel, the development of RSS-type technologies for content syndication, and the creation of user-friendly newsreaders to simplify the process of subscribing to blogs and news feeds of interest. Between January and June of this year, the size of the Bloglines index doubled. And each day Bloglines adds 2 million to 2.7 million new blog and news feed articles to the database, drawn from a diverse range of sources in many languages -- from blogs about knitting to major online newspaper feeds.

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