How To Use A Safelist To Your Advantage

by Admin

12 Sept
 None    General

The following article is the result of years of ongoing interaction with enthusiasts just like you. The article was written to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, as well as address common issues that people have with this topic. I hope that you will find the information in this article helpful.

A safelist is a group of people who have agreed to receive messages from one another. It is an off-shoot of opt-in lists that were prevalent in the early days of the Internet. There were numerous opt-in groups in which members agreed to send to and receive emails from other members. Most of these emails were commercial in nature. As the Internet expanded the people started abusing this system. They started giving junk-mail addresses or non-existing addresses. Frequently an autoresponder address was given so that as soon as a message was received, another message was sent to the sender immediately. Abuse of opt-in lists rendered the system meaningless.

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