The power of linking - 7 strategies for increasing in-bound links

by Admin

07 Aug
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by Michael Fleischner

The popularity of your website can be directly correlated to the number of sites linking to you. In fact, search engines like Google have been built on the concept of link popularity. To win on the Internet, your website not only needs to be seen as popular, but also garner top search engine results for your identified search terms. No on can contest the importance of inbound links.

The question you should be asking yourself is , "How do I get them and which links are most valuable?". Focus on acquiring in-bound links that are from sites offering related content to your own website and that have an established Google PR. Sites from unrelated sites without a Google Page Rank do not provide any benefit. Inbound links can be acquired in a number of ways. Here are the 7 most popular link strategies you can start using today.

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