Maximize ROI In An Increasingly Competitive Web World

by Admin

08 Oct
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Dali Singh

In the late 90s, only a small portion of the business population really understood online advertising. During that time, businesses were just starting to develop and use their websites as a marketing tool to increase revenues and brand awareness. Online competition was scarce and paying $3.00 per click on Overture was unheard of.

According to a recent survey published by eMarketer, paid search ad spending has grown dramatically during the first five years of this decade, rising from a mere $108.5 million in 2000 to 3.85 billion in 2004. As the competition gets more fierce, companies struggle to stay ahead and look for creative ways to maximize their ROI through website promotion strategies.

Scand LLC Releases New Customizable JavaScript Menu for Web Applications

by Admin

08 Oct
 None    Software

Scand LLC announced the release of dhtmlxMenu - customizable DHTML JavaScript Menu for web-based applications and web sites.

Minsk, Belarus, October 7, 2005 -- Software development company Scand released its new product - dhtmlxMenu v1.0. This JavaScript menu enables web developers to design and edit a simple DHTML menu in a very convenient way.

dhtmlxMenu has cross-browser support, so it can be used for sites and web applications that are supposed to run under different OS. The menu is compatible with all main web browsers for Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS.

This JavaScript menu has XML support that gives possibility to build menus dynamically from XML file or database. Any complex menu structure can be generated using a simple XML code. Menu appearance can be easily changed dynamically without requiring the web page to be reloaded. Powerful client-side API allows changing the menu state 'on-the-fly' with external JavaScript code.

The Google triple punch.. .how do you rank?

by Admin

08 Oct
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by Mark Klein

What do you need to get top rankings on Google? What's the secret sauce of success? There are many ingredients in the mix, but here are three of the most important that you need to concentrate on.

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