SMX Advanced Seattle Agenda Posted – Plus Two In-depth Workshops Added for June 10th

by Admin

09 Apr
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Agenda for fourth edition of Search Marketing Expo – SMX Advanced includes six tracks designed for search marketing experts; coming to Seattle June 8-9. Intensive workshops -- In-house SEM Exchange and Bruce Clay’s SEO Training -- will run June 10

Redding, CT April 8, 2010 -- The full agenda has been posted for Search Marketing Expo - SMX Advanced Seattle, which will be held June 8-9, 2010 at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center in Seattle, WA.

SMX Advanced Seattle conference sessions and keynotes are designed for search engine marketers with years of experience; they are fast paced, sophisticated and don’t review basic concepts. This year’s agenda is packed with expert-level tips to drive traffic and increase conversions using SEO, paid search, social media marketing and vertical search tactics.

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