PR News' Google Conference & Writing Workshop are February 10-11 in CA

by Admin

Leaders from Google, Human Rights Campaign & Finn Partners to Speak

Learn how to incorporate a range of Google products such as AdWords, analytics, YouTube and more into your PR strategy

Google is so much more than the world’s largest search engine. It's an organization's digital gateway to the world. For this reason, PR News is holding its first full-day Google Conference on February 11 in San Francisco that will home in on SEO, analytics, AdWords, YouTube, influence and so much more. The PR News Google Conference is programmed to be an educational springboard for PR practitioners and communicators who are looking to leverage Google for their brand. Starting at 8 a.m. and ending at 4 p.m., this focused training will provide critical tools, strategies and insights that communicators need to take their Google efforts to the next level in today’s communications environment.

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