If you are in any kind of business you should know some promotional strategies to implement for your particular product, service or opportunity that you are offering.
In the offline advertising & promotional world there are basically two types of Promotional Forces...
'PUSH' & 'PULL' Strategies.
A “push” promotional strategy makes use of a company's sales force and trade promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product.
A “pull” selling strategy is one that requires high spending on advertising and consumer promotion to build up consumer demand for a product.
Since I am writing for online business owners and affiliate marketers, the 'PUSH' & 'PULL' strategies can be applied on the web as well.
Low cost 'Push' Strategies you can use to sell more products and services online are:
1. Affiliate programs: If the product or service that you are selling online does not have an affiliate program setup, you are losing sales or spending too much money on advertising it yourself.
2. Follow Up By Phone: Most landing pages collect phone numbers but never use it to call the prospective clients. The combination of email follow up and a call will shoot your conversion through the roof.
3. Direct Mail: If you are collecting mailing address from your Landing page, try sending a batch of direct mail offers to your prospect list on top of your email and phone follow up.
4. Advertising: The frequency of your advertising determines how well the rest of the 'push' strategies work. If you don't advertise, there aren't any leads for you to call or direct mail for you to send out. Try giving useful resources and places to advertise to your Affiliates, so they can bring in the sales for you.
Low Cost 'PULL' Promotional Strategies to bring in more sales online:
1. Viral Promotional Products: Most people know the power of viral marketing but may not have an effective viral marketing method in place. Here are some thing you can do to market your website virally. - Write small re-printable reports for others to promote with your link or logo - Write articles and encourage other to post them free as content for their site. - Send out news releases concerning a free service or product available on your site. - Install a Recommend-It.com referral system. - Enable visitors to e- mail post cards or greeting cards from your website. - Offer a digital game or utility for free download that carries your marketing message.
2. Social Networking: Use your branding, links and logos on social network websites like, Youtube, facebook, friendster...etc.
3. Blogs: Personalize your blog pages with your company logo and links.
4. Discussion Forms: Respond to posts with helpfull answers to discussion lists in your niche market.
5. Seminar Networking: Attend seminars and connect with others. Strike JV deals and an opportunity to create word- of-mouth.
It's absolutely imperetive to use both strategies, 'Push' & 'Pull' promotional strategies, for your business.
Work Sheet: Do the following right now and watch your sales increase within 7 days.
1. Write down a list of 'Push' strategies that you can implement in your daily, weekly or monthly promotions.
2. Write down a list of 'Pull' strategies that you can implement in your daily, weekly or monthly promotios.
3. Maintain a daily check list and do it.
4. Find someone who can help you do the daily chores and outsource these tasks to others.
Working on all promotional pillars will propel your business to the next level. A combination of 'Push' and 'Pull' strategies for your web business is key to your marketing success.
About The Author: Abe Cherian is the founder and CEO of Multiple Stream Media, LLC., a company that helps online businesses find new prospects and clients, who are anxious to grow their business fast, and without spending a fortune. Getting targeted traffic to your website and making more sales is easy when you have the right people to guide and do it for you. Give Multiple Stream Media a call 1(845) 247 2565 or visit their site at
http://www.multiplestreammktg.com and make your web marketing a lot easier.