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Submitted by smrsubmissions
Submitted by smrsubmissions
by Sharon Housley
It does not matter what you call them: vodcasts, vidcasts, videocasting, or video podcasting... there are a few behind-the-scenes actions you can take to help attract more attention to your video productions. Just like websites, it does not matter how amazing the content is if interested people are unable to find it.
Use the following suggestions to help increase the exposure your videos receive...
1. Use Keywords
In Video File Name Insert keywords in the name of the video file. When determining what keywords to use, do not simply rely on intuition; do research, just as you would for a website, to see what relevant terms people are searching on.
2. Create Video Feed
Create an RSS feed of all videos in a collection. Each feed item should contain a different video in the enclosure field. Optimize the feed using related keywords. For additional help, there is a Videocasting Feed Creation Tutorial available at: .
3. Increase Exposure
Host your videos on YouTube, and embed the video into your website, which will increase the video count on YouTube. The more popular a video seems to be, the more exposure it will receive.
4. Video Name And Description
In the video name and description fields, use keywords that relate to the content of the video. Create a compelling yet relevant title and description that will encourage people to click-through.
5. Google Video Sitemap
Create a video sitemap for the search engines. For details on what to include in such sitemaps, Google has provided specifications in their Google Webmaster Central Blog at: .
6. Meta Data
Include meta data in the video file. The newer video search engines will often rely on meta data to produce relevant results. Many video editing products will allow you to edit and customize the meta data associated with the video file, and you should use this the same way you would use the meta data for a webpage.
7. Optimize Landing Page
Optimize the landing page on the website, embed the video in a webpage on your website, and then use standard SEO techniques to optimize that webpage for the search engines. Use keywords that relate to the video on the page that contains the video.
8. Transcripts
Provide a text transcript of the video, both on the landing page and in the RSS feed for the video.
9. Embed URL In Video
Brand the video with your logo in the initial video splash screen, and include your website address on the bottom of the video to increase your brand exposure.
10. Leave Them Wanting More
The video should be a teaser and leave the audience wanting more. Engage the audience, but try to encourage the viewer to visit the website or view other videos to learn more.
11. Submit YouTube Feed
YouTube creates an RSS feed for every user account that is created. In addition to manually creating an RSS feed, you can also use the YouTube feed to promote your videos. The formatting details for the YouTube video feeds can be found at (replace "username" in the url with your own YouTube account username).
12. Anchor Text
When linking to the video, use anchor text that contains keywords which relate to the video.
13.Video Submission
Submit the video to all the video websites and video podcast websites. Here are a couple of resource sites to get you started...
Podcast & Video Submissions -
140 Places to Submit Your Video List -
14. Tag Video
Tag the video on the video networks with relevant keywords, making it is easier for people to find when they search on those keywords.
15. Track Views
Track and review the number of views that a video receives. If you find that a substantial number of viewers are abandoning the video before completion, the chances are good that the video is too long and could benefit from trimming.
16. Social Bookmarking
Use social bookmarking to draw additional attention to videos. This will also help with the number of incoming links, which in turn will help improve search engine ranking.
Videos are the latest marketing channel. In order to make the most of it, optimize the video and increase the exposure it receives.
About the Author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage a wireless text messaging software company.
Submitted by smrsubmissions