Using Googles custom Search Engine for internal site search

by Admin

30 May
 None    Search Engines

by Manoj Jasra

by Manoj Jasra

More and more each day you probably see Googles custom search engine functionality appear on sites across the Internet. In fact, I have implemented the Google custom search engine on two of my own sites. If you are looking for a simple way to enhance your users engagement level on your site then I recommend you take a closer look at Google custom search engine. Below are few of the top reasons I like it so much:
Giving users what they are used to: More than half the world prefers Googles search results and are comfortable interacting with the search box as well as the search results. Google Custom search engine provides the exact same search experience as but on YOUR site. Building your own search engine is difficult: Have you ever tried designing your own site search functionality, its definitely not simple. Its difficult to apply the same type of algorithms Google does so that you can sort your results smarter than just alphabetically. With the custom search engine the algorithms are applied for you and you gain all the benefits of the awesome performance. Access to deeper content: Many sites on the Internet have some of their best content buried deep within their folder structure, the custom search engine allows your users to find that deep content within 1 click without getting frustrated and abandoning your site. Access to new content, not a huge issue anymore: One previous draw back of Google Custom Search vs. a proprietary search was that Google took a little while longer to index newer content which made a given sites internal search results not as fresh. However, with the recent changes, your new content can be made available quicker by leveraging Googles XML sitemaps. Customization: Google Custom Search Engine allows you to customize your configuration in many different ways including: look and feel of results, style of search box, placement of ads, sites to search within, ability to introduce AdSense, method of displaying results and refinement labels for popular website topics. Copyright 2008 - Enquiro Search Solutions.

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