
Online reputation management beyond 2007

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07 Sept
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by Jody Nimetz

At the end of the day the only thing that you have is your word and your reputation. This is true in the vastness of the online universe as well. Every site owner should be concerned about their online reputation. Reputation management is critical for all businesses. Even the most customer-friendly companies have most likely upset some of their clients at some point. You simply cannot please all of the people all of the time. We have discussed a number of reputation management tips and reputation management tools for ensuring that your online reputation management strategy is a proactive one as opposed to being reactive to negative listings in the search results.

Page length really does matter

by Admin

04 Sept
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by Terry Detty

It's a dilemma that many web site owners face. They don't want to have too little words, but they don't want to have too many words, either. It's a delicate balance that every web site owner has to know in order to have a site that is search engine optimized and visitor friendly.

What is a good length for pages?

Listen to your customers

by Admin

30 Aug
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by Sharon Housley

Mastering the art of managing customer complaints can seem like a thankless job, but keep in mind that for every customer that shares their worries, concerns or complaints, there are likely more that did not express their dissatisfaction, and instead simply moved on to a competitor. Customer complaints can, and should be treated as opportunities.

7 steps to developing effective newsletters online

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21 Aug
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by Michael Fleischner

If you have a loyal customer base, but haven't used a regularly scheduled newsletter to communicate with then, then it's time to develop a monthly newsletter. Electronic newsletters are a great way to share information, promote your products, and solicit feedback from your most important customers. If you want to develop effective newsletters, you'll need to follow these seven proven tips for creating winning newsletters.

Best practices for securing your backup data

by Admin

16 Aug
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by BOSaNOVA, Inc.

Encryption is readily available for new applications in e-commerce, telecommunications and finance. With security breaches commonplace, the need for encryption has become so necessary that various agencies have seen a need to step in and impose regulations. Why is it even necessary to encrypt backup data? The reason is security. Data stored in clear-text is open to attack by everyone.

IT organizations are beginning to realize that the reach and effect of these security laws impacts their procedures and processes. There is currently no specific set of guidelines for compliance within the IT industry. One area of compliance that remains high-risk is that of data storage encryption. For the most part, data transported to off-site storage is not secured and tracked, leaving tapes defenseless against theft, alteration or unauthorized viewing. Encryption appliances for backup tapes are the only way to ensure data at rest is safe.

The power of social book marking

by Admin

14 Aug
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by Michael Fleischner

Social bookmarking is a way for internet users to store, classify, share, and search Internet bookmarks. In 2005 and 2006, social bookmarking sites, such as, Diigo, Furl, Ma.gnolia, Netvouz, and StumbleUpon became popular. Sites like reddit, Digg, Newsvine, and the new Netscape portal apply social bookmarking to news items. IBM even announced plans to enter the social software market this year.

Why do franchise owners pay franchise royalties

by Admin

11 Aug
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A franchise owner is a person who gives his right of marketing and selling, to a third party (franchisee) under his trademark label. The franchisee will continue his business of marketing and selling after becoming a group member and will receive valuable training, support and technical assistance from the franchisor. The franchisee then pays a fee to the franchisor for his support and rights. The relationship between a franchiser and a franchisee could be described as: "A fee given by a Franchisee to a franchisor for the training, advertising & marketing, trademark & other facilities given".

Steps to positive press exposure

by Admin

08 Aug
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by Sharon Housley

Press exposure can significantly impact a small businesses' success. Press releases are not just for big businesses; many small businesses find press releases to be an inexpensive way to gain exposure and attention. It is not uncommon for reporters from magazines, newspapers or blogs to scan press releases as a means to locate content.

Here are some tips to enhance the exposure and quality of your press releases:

Using audio file formats on your website

by Admin

06 Aug
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by Terry Detty

Adding music or video streams to your website is a definite plus for revenue generation. Audio-video streams serve two purposes. Primarily, audio and video streaming is used for entertainment. A more practical use of audio-video streaming is for revenue generation by using this technology to promote and demonstrate your products.

Normally, professional website designers are leery of adding multi-media streams to a website. However, the spread of high-speed internet connection throughout the world has finally removed the barrier for the use of multi-media streams. In this article, let us deal exclusively with audio streams. Audio files have different formats. The most popular among these audio formats are the MP3 and MIDI sound format. The question is, "What exactly is a MIDI and an MP3 and what are the differences?" Below is a collection of sound file formats together with their descriptions to help you decide which one to use in your website.

What is Spyware and how did I get it

by Admin

30 Jul
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by Iain Williams

There are three types of software you are likely to encounter whilst using your PC online. Spyware, adware and malware. Most people use a collective term to describe them. Either a virus or spyware. Strictly speaking they are designed differently to perform certain functions.

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