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Analyzing Your Web Traffic

by Admin

18 Aug
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by Karl Hourigan

What’s Hap­pen­ing?
We believe a cor­po­rate web site can be the most effec­tive mar­ket­ing tool a com­pany can use, but a sur­pris­ing num­ber of com­pa­nies we talk to do not under­stand how their web site is per­form­ing. How many vis­i­tors is the web site attract­ing? How many pages do vis­i­tors view? Where did they come from (a search engine, a refer­ring site like a blog or direc­tory, etc.)? What coun­try are they in? What are the key­words they are using in their searches that brought them to the site?

Optimize your internal links to get higher search engine rankings

by Admin

10 Aug
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Web site promotion software

Optimizing the content of your web pages is important if you want to get high rankings on Google. Most people know that they have to work on web page titles, web page content and links from other sites.

The internal link structure of a website is often overlooked although it has a big impact on the rankings of a website.

Drive Traffic to Your Website

by Admin

07 Jul
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by Karl Hourigan

After going through the time, effort and expense of cre­at­ing a cor­po­rate web­site, the suc­cess of the web­site as a mar­ket­ing tool depends on three things:

  1. Are peo­ple com­ing to the web­site?
  2. What can they do when they get there?
  3. What’s in it for them to do busi­ness with you?

Seven things that can help you with your link building campaign

by Admin

15 Jun
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Web site promotion software

Many people think that getting links is very difficult or that their website is not attractive enough to get backlinks. There are several things that you can do to get more backlinks to your website.

Ten Quick Wins in Paid Search

by Admin

24 May
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by Karl Hourigan

Spend­ing money to be vis­i­ble on search engines can be a very effec­tive, mea­sur­able mar­ket­ing tac­tic. If your com­pany is still debat­ing whether or not to invest in search engine adver­tis­ing, here are some sce­nar­ios when it can make a lot of sense to ded­i­cate some bud­get to adver­tis­ing online.

How to get more clicks on your Google listings

by Admin

18 May
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Web site promotion software

It's great if your website is listed on Google's first result page for the right keywords. It's not so great if nobody clicks on your listing because there's something wrong with it. There are some easy and some not-so-easy things that you can do to get more clicks on your Google listings.

SEO 101 – What is Search Engine Optimization?

by Admin

11 May
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by Karl Hourigan

SEO stands for Search Engine Opti­miza­tion. Search engines like Google and Bing con­stantly “crawl” the web and cat­a­logue the web pages and infor­ma­tion they come across. When some­one tries search­ing for some­thing, the search engine dips into its data­base and applies a pro­pri­etary algo­rithm (one of the key ingre­di­ents that dic­tates what results the search engine will show you in response to your search) to serve up what it thinks will be the most rel­e­vant results to sat­isfy the searcher.

Four ways to get natural backlinks

by Admin

04 May
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Web site promotion software

Google has become pretty good in detecting low quality web pages and links. If you use a link service that promises a lot of high PR links for little money or if you participate in a fully automated linking system, chances are that Google will penalize your website because you are trying to trick them.

The Traffic Value Of A No.1 Search Engine Ranking

by Admin

03 May
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by Michael Bloch

Sometimes I'll see search engine optimization companies offering a guarantee of a top ten rank. Just being in the top ten these days isn't enough to really give you a decent traffic boost - you really need to be in the top 5.

On-Page Search Engine Optimization Tips

by Admin

26 Apr
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Submitted by smrsubmissions

by Sharon Housley

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a fine science. Tweaking, changing, and measuring is all part of the ongoing optimization process. SEO truly is a process that requires constant monitoring and attention. In order for a website to perform well, its managers and webmasters must adapt their SEO techniques as the search engine algorithms change.

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