by Admin
Article by Axandra
Article by Axandra
SEO software
Checking the technical aspects of your website is a necessity if you want to make sure that Google and other search engines give your web pages high rankings. If your web pages contain particular errors, Google won't be able to see them. Regular website audits make sure that your site gets the rankings that it deserves.
1. Check your website for critial errors
Critical errors are errors that can have an immediate effect on the rankings of your website on Google:
Every website has broken links. If you update your web pages frequently, you will find many links that need an udpate. Some websites disappear, web pages get deleted, etc.
Server errors can cause major problems with search engines. If a web page delivers the wrong HTTP status code, search engines won't index it. For that reason, it is important to check your website for server errors.
Empty titles and duplicate titles are a lost search engine optimization opportunity. If a web page has an empty title, it won't rank as highly as it could.
You should avoid these errors if you don't want to risk ranking problems. The website audit tool in SEOprofiler regularly checks if these errors appear on your web pages to make sure that your pages get the best possible rankings.
2. Check your web pages for things that can cause problems
Even if your website does not contain critical errors, there are several things that can have a negative influence on the rankings of your web pages:
Although there is no penalty for duplicate content, it is difficult to get high rankings for pages with duplicate content. If possible, avoid duplicate content on your web pages.
If your web pages are linked with and without www, and with both http and https, there can be canonical URL problems. Identify these pages and use the rel=canonical attribute on these pages.
Web pages with no content or little text content won't get high rankings.
Some webmasters accidentally block search engine robots without knowing it. If a web page blocks search engine robots, it cannot get high rankings.
A very high click depth can be an indicator that people cannot find a page easily. Web pages that aren't easy to find should not contain important content.
Temporary redirects can cause problems with search engines. Pages with too many links (in relation to the actual content) won't get high rankings.
The meta description tag does not have a direct influence on the rankings of a web page. It can, however, have a major influence on the number of clicks that your listing gets on the search results page. Meta refreshs can cause problems with search engines if they aren't used correctly.
Duplicate canonical attributes can keep search engine robots away. A duplicate meta tag is an indicator of a low quality web page.
The title tag is an important web page element. For that reason, you should make sure that your web pages have the right title tags. If a page is too big, search engine robots might not index it completely and/or website visitors might go away before the page has fully loaded.
Invalid URLs or URLs with too many variables can cause problems with search engine robots. The same with URLs that are too long.
All of these things can have a positive influence on the rankings of your web pages if you optimize them. The website audit tool in SEOprofiler regularly checks if your web pages use these elements correctly.
3. Check your web pages for things that can be improved
In addition to the things above, there are several things that you can check to make sure that your web pages get the best possible rankings:
Checking these things will make sure that your web pages perform as well as possible. For example, images should have descriptive alt attributes, H1 tags should contain the right keywords, etc. The website audit tool in SEOprofiler automatically checks your web pages for these elements.
4. Check your web pages for spelling mistakes
The website audit tool also checks your web pages for spelling mistakes. Most websites contain a lot of spelling mistakes and typing mistakes. First impressions count, so it's better to correct these mistakes.
The website audit tool in SEOprofiler regular checks your web pages to make sure that everything is correct. You will save time and you will be able to correct errors quickly and easily. Try SEOprofiler risk-free.
Article by Axandra
SEO software