The biggest thing is the parable of the frog in the boiling water. That’s why today, of the Fortune 50 from 1955, only nine of those companies still exist. P&G is one of them. I want P&G to be on that list 172 years from now, because that means we’re touching and improving more lives. The only thing that can kick us off that list is complacency or inability to learn new things or unwillingness to change.
It’s 2010 and it's high time that businesses and other organizations put their forms online. I don’t mean just a PDF download - people should be able to complete most forms online too.
In this day and age there is very little reason why anyone should have to print anything out or put a pen to paper when it comes to forms, nor have to fiddle around with PDF forms with funky encoding in a PDF editor.
As we started working with a number of our B2B clients, one thing that we noticed is that many (if not all) required some direction when it came to SEO. Some clients were, and still are, at various levels of the organic search maturity model which means that the level of engagement and level of SEO knowledge varied. No matter at what stage the client is in, there was a consistent need for direction.
I had a bout of inbox convergence today. Just as I was speculating what this week’s search insider might cover, two separate emails surrounded a juicy little topic and delivered it to me on a platter. First, a post from Ad Age about how marketers are reluctant to use online conversations as a source of customer feedback:
Last month, Google started to display real-time results in addition to the regular top 10 pages on their search result pages. The real-time results are meant to offer web searchers access to brand new news items as fast as possible.
We’ve made Google a verb. What does that mean? Well, for one thing, it means we have a better indication of prospect intent than ever before. Google (or any search engine) becomes the connector between our intent and relevant online destinations. John Battelle called Google the Database of Intentions and predicted that it would become hugely important. Battelle’s call was right on the money, but we still haven’t felt the full import of it. Our tapping into our zeitgeist (defined as the general intellectual, moral and cultural climate of an era) is usually restricted to a facetious review of the top 10 search terms of the year.
Brooklyn, New York – In a bold move to make it easier than ever for customers to create beautiful, customized online stores with web templates, TemplateMonster announced that it has partnered with to sell osCommerce Manuals, as a series of eBooks on The special version of these manuals contain a chapter on how to install a TemplateMonster template, and are available for osCommerce, Magento, Zen Cart, and CRE loaded stores.
The Positive Reporting Suite is designed to reduce the confusion that can surround SEO and reinforce SEO Positive’s reputation for ethical ‘white hat’ search engine marketing.
SEO Positive, a leading innovator in search engine optimisation and a top ten ranked SEO agency, has announced the rollout of its new Positive Reporting Suite. The suite provides SEO Positive’s clients with a clear, transparent view of their campaign, and enables them to see where and how their investment is being spent. The Positive Reporting Suite is designed to reduce the confusion that can surround SEO and reinforce SEO Positive’s reputation for ethical ‘white hat’ search engine marketing.