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by Jody Nimetz
Given the understanding that most B2B organizations offer high end products or services, we know that the time that it takes to qualify a lead, nurture the relationship and convert the lead into a sale can take months or even years. The thing is, there is one more step involved in this marketing process for B2B marketers to consider and that is to make your customer an evangelist for your organization.
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by Gord Hotchkiss
Google's announcement a little more than a week ago that they would be showing personalized search results to more people through a change in the sign in/sign out default signaled perhaps the most significant change in search marketing in the past few years. Fellow SearchInsider David Berkowitz dealt with some of the SEO implications in his column on Tuesday. Today I'd like to deal more with the user side part of the story. Although Google's announcement represents a relatively minor change in terms of user experience, at least for the present time, it represents a step down a path from which there is no return, and this path marks a dramatically different direction for search that will have far reaching implications, both for advertisers and users.
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by Jody Nimetz
We've been saying it for months, "search is going to get personal". Personalization of search is not a new concept. As far back as November 2005, Google has been looking at ways to incorporate personalized search into the results they provide. Google has established a number of personalized search products including Google Search History where you can access and manage your search history from any computer. Personalized search is offered as an option whenever you sign up for a Google account, which you need to use AdWords, Gmail or other Google services. You can also add personalization using your manage account page. A few years ago, Google Labs saw the release of Google Personalized Search a service that reorders search results based on your history of past searches, giving more weight to topics that interest you. The inevitability of personalized search is upon us.
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by S. Housley
How much do you know about podcasting? Take the podcast quiz and test your knowledge.
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by Jose Nuñez
The first thing you should know about SEO is that Consistency is the 'key word'. Because of that, in this article I will cover the immediate areas that relate to solid Search Engine Ranking for a particular number of key phrases. This will apply to any type of website, or any industry you are targeting.