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Free Micro-Webinar to Highlight Benefits and Use of Media-Specific Sitemaps
Charlottesville, VA September 20, 2010 -- Amanda Chaney of the search engine optimization firm Search Mojo will headline a free micro-webinar detailing the benefits and guidelines of specialty Sitemaps, including different Sitemap content types, such as videos, news and images. Chaney will review how to prepare each type of media Sitemap and also how to combine all media types into one Sitemap. The presentation will be held on Wednesday, September 22, at 2:00 p.m. ET, will last approximately ten minutes, and a recording will be available after the conclusion of the webinar.
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Submitted by smrsubmissions
by Sharon Housley
Brand awareness is the recognition of a specific brand name or logo, along with the traits associated with that brand. It is difficult to benefit from having a brand unless consumers are aware of the brand and the traits associated with it.
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Submitted by pupshur
The practice of "cloaking" involves writing a server-side script that detects the IP address of the incoming search engine and serves it a Web page that is different from the one displayed to the general public. The indexed Web page is hidden behind a stealth script, and when the user clicks on the listing in the search engine, he or she is automatically redirected to a client's site.
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by John Yuill
Google Analytics is a free, easy to implement web analytics solution with an intuitive interface. For good reason, it has gained tremendous popularity and widespread use.
And yet, so many companies use a standard implementation of the Google Analytics and then ‘set it and forget it’. They fail to make the additional investment to really take advantage of the value that Google Analytics can offer in terms of identifying ways to acquire new customers and increase business with existing customers. Here are some things you may not have fully explored in getting the most out of this powerful tool:
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Submitted by smrsubmissions
by Sharon Housley
Businesses that are "going green" are becoming more and more commonplace. Regardless of your political beliefs or opinions regarding the "global warming" concept, few can argue that being environmentally aware will leave the world a better place. Whether a company is simply jumping on the green bandwagon, or are honestly sensitive about environmental issues is really irrelevant. Consumers like green businesses, and shaping your business to promote being "eco-friendly" makes sense from a public relations standpoint.