Domain name registration and copyright infringement

by Admin

05 Sept
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A very important question arises in the early stages of development of a web site. What would be the most appropriate domain name? Domain names are representative of the address for a web site, and there is a rising trend of incidents of disputes over domain name registration with increased usage of the Internet.

There are numerous factors that have led to a crisis of domain registration disputes and this, in turn, has led to a rapid increase in the reported cases of infringement of domain names. Several companies have taken legal action against other companies or individuals over alleged copyright violation on the domain names.

Search technologies

by Admin

05 Sept
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Each of us has been faced with the problem of searching for information more than once. Regardless of the data source we are using (Internet, file system on our hard drive, data base or a global information system of a big company) the problems can be multiple and include the physical volume of the data base searched, the information being unstructured, different file types and also the complexity of accurately wording the search query. We have already reached the stage when the amount of data on one single PC is comparable to the amount of text data stored in a proper library. And as to the unstructured data flows, in future they are only going to increase, and at a very rapid tempo. If for an average user this might be just a minor misfortune, for a big company absence of control over information can mean significant problems. So the necessity to create search systems and technologies simplifying and accelerating access to the necessary information, originated long ago. Such systems are numerous and moreover not every one of them is based on a unique technology. And the task of choosing the right one depends directly on the specific tasks to be solved in the future. While the demand for the perfect data searching and processing tools is steadily growing let's consider the state of affairs with the supply side.

Not going deeply into the various peculiarities of the technology, all the searching programs and systems can be divided into three groups. These are: global Internet systems, turnkey business solutions (corporate data searching and processing technologies) and simple phrasal or file search on a local computer. Different directions presumably mean different solutions.

What You're Not Doing With Your RSS Feed

by Admin

04 Sept
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RSS feeds have yet to hit the mainstream, but they are beginning to appear on prominent web sites including CNN, MSNBC, Yahoo, and even Google. While many sites are now publishing their own RSS feed, they fail to pursue the important step of promoting it.

RSS feeds have been growing steadily in popularity throughout the year. They have begun appearing on almost every news related source, and now even corporate web pages. While more businesses begin to cater to the opportunity of creating an RSS feed, many do not fully understand their exact usage. It is as if publishing an RSS feed will magically create traffic and pull constant visitors to their site. Maybe they believe the web search engine robots will pull and distribute the feeds. However, the truth is that most major search engines today do not yet incorporate RSS feeds into their main search engine results. They may completely skip over the RSS feed link when spidering a site. However, there is a world available that these new RSS users are not yet aware of. It is the world of RSS search engines.

Keyword Optimization - How To Achieve It

by Admin

03 Sept
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The most important thing you can do for your business and your website is develop relevant keywords that are not too competitive yet generate targeted traffic to your website.

It's called keyword optimization. Why is it important?

Because Keywords and keyword phrases do a couple of things for you:

  • With the right keywords, you will attract the viewers most interested in the items or services on your site.
  • You will rank higher in the search engines for your chosen keywords, saving you thousands of dollars in advertising.

Why Websites Should Listen to What Researchers Want

by Admin

02 Sept
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by Brenda Wright

Successful search engine marketing is dependent on the identification and understanding of a website's target audiences, ensuring that the target audience will find the website, and that the website will provide the information and user experience being sought by them.

For a number of different types of vendors, there are two distinct website visitor groups involved in the buying funnel: Researchers and Decision Makers. For some vendors the Researchers are low to mid-management personnel gathering information for a C-level (CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, etc) decision. For other vendors the Researchers are non-management and the Decision Makers are at the purchase agent level. There are also vendors who experience several levels of researches from non-management through mid-management with the decisions finally being made at the C-level or in committee.

An open search engine optimization (SEO) analysis

by Admin

01 Sept
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Copyright by
Web site promotion software

When we posted a small note that we would analyze the web site of a reader in this newsletter, we hadn't expected so many suggestions. We have received 293 suggestions and we'd like to thank every one of you.

Out of Exile: How to get un-banned from Google

by Admin

01 Sept
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by Joe Balestrino

I am banned from Google...Help!

What did you do to get banned? Can you get un-banned? Yes! But first you need to know what you did to get banned. Google will not tell you. A sure sign you have been banned is that your web site is missing a page rank. By, that I mean the PR bar is Gray. That is usually the first indication. To double check that, enter into Google. Replace "" with your URL. If it there are no pages indexed, that is a good sign your site has been removed from Google (if your pages were indexed beforehand). Also try to see if your back links are still listed on Google. If your site is banned they will be removed as well.

Read through the following list. If any of these ring a bell, you should change them ASAP.

Securing Your Accounts With Well-Crafted Passwords

by Admin

31 Aug
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by Daniel Punch

In the past I've never really paid much attention to security issues when it comes to user names and passwords. Frankly I figured it was all a lot of overblown hype. This led to an unfortunate incident that involved my website being attacked, apparently by a skillful youth with a propensity for mischief.

The main security flaw with my website was probably the simple fact that the username and password were exactly the same. Granted I did realize that this wasn't highly intelligent but I didn't have the power to change it myself, and I didn't think it really mattered enough to bother about it. Having an identical username and password is a massive "no-no" in computer security. Your username and password should not even be related along the same line of thought. A username of "Dragon" and a password of "Fire" is not a secure combination.

Google On The Desktop

by Admin

29 Aug
 None    Search Engines

by Rob Sullivan

If you follow Google at all then you know that they recently released a fairly major upgrade to the Desktop Search application.

But what you may not know is how much this new application, and others from Google, affects the competitiveness of the company. This is primarily due to the new sidebar which the search application comes with.

A Beginners Guide to Web Page Design

by Admin

28 Aug
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Designing your own successful web page can seem difficult and nearly impossible if you do not do a little research first. The reason you need to know the basics of web page design is because the design of your website will actually influence whether or not people continue to visit your site and ultimately, whether they will buy from you or not. Obviously, a lot is riding on your website design so it is worthwhile to take this seriously and put some effort into doing it right the first time.

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