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PR News' Google Conference & Writing Workshop are February 10-11 in CA

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Leaders from Google, Human Rights Campaign & Finn Partners to Speak

Learn how to incorporate a range of Google products such as AdWords, analytics, YouTube and more into your PR strategy

Google is so much more than the world’s largest search engine. It's an organization's digital gateway to the world. For this reason, PR News is holding its first full-day Google Conference on February 11 in San Francisco that will home in on SEO, analytics, AdWords, YouTube, influence and so much more. The PR News Google Conference is programmed to be an educational springboard for PR practitioners and communicators who are looking to leverage Google for their brand. Starting at 8 a.m. and ending at 4 p.m., this focused training will provide critical tools, strategies and insights that communicators need to take their Google efforts to the next level in today’s communications environment.

SEO Tactics You Shouldn’t Be Using in 2015

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by Zak Ramdani

Since 2011, Google has been waging a campaign to rid their search results of thin, or spammy content, by looking at the content itself. Later, Google’s focus evolved into looking much harder at a website’s link profile. Panda and Penguin fundamentally changed the landscape of SEO, eliminating tactics like article spinning, and artificially building links.

As areas of content and link evaluation have matured, we feel the areas of scrutiny will shift into 2 new core areas that revolve around reputation and mobile readiness. Let’s get straight to it:

A Look at Seasonality and Search Activity

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by Jody Nimetz

Ever wondered how seasonality in Search activity impacts your business? Or does it? We wanted to examine the impact of seasonality on search activity. Of course this depends on the type of website and business that you may have as there may be certain annual events that have a definite impact on the amount of traffic from search engines that come to your site. As we are in the middle of the winter season here in Canada and I was in the market for some new all-season tires, I began conducting my research in September with intent to purchase by late October. If there is one industry that experiences seasonality it would be tire shops. Take a look at the search trends for “all season tires” over the past 12 months (Source:  Google Trends):

Update: HTTPS as a Ranking Signal

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by Andrew Stager

When Google announced that the use of HTTPS encryption is now a ranking signal, the most obvious question that was on the minds of digital marketers was  how this would affect rankings. Would the change from HTTP to HTTPS improve a sites organic search performance?

Google had emphasized that this ranking signal was (at the time) a “very lightweight signal” that would affect less than 1% of global search queries, and carry less weight than more influential signals such as high quality content. Google cited the growing need for security between web users and domain servers and the growing trend of more and more sites choosing the encryption security of using SSL certificates.

Since the announcement two studies have been produced to analyze the impact of HTTPS/SSL on Google Search rankings to see just how “lightweight” the signal has proven to be.

Top Searches Conducted in Google in 2014

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by Jody Nimetz

What Did People Search for in 2014?

What do Jennifer Lawrence, James Rodriguez, the iPhone 6, and ebola have in common?  They were all trending searched conducting in Google in 2014.  During this time of year I like to look back at people’s searching habits and try to gain a better understanding of what people searched for during the course of the year.  I find it fascinating to see what the masses are using Search for.  Search activity is impacted by what happens out there in the “real world”.  Remember the real works?  It’s that place where you used to go to converse with friends.  It’s that place where children used to go outside and ride their bikes… but I digress.

Top Key Predictions for Canada’s Programmatic Advertising in 2015

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by Laura Cristescu

2014 has been a really interesting year, and looking back I feel as excited as any advertising aficionado that sees the imminence of the transformation that is about to happen. This makes me think that 2015 can only get better.

As change is hitting different sides of the programmatic advertising ecosystem, mobile, data, pre-roll video and in-stream audio are taking new turns.

Here are my key predictions for 2015:

Social Media is all about your “why”, not your “what” or “how”

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by Rebecca Maynes

Online Media Generation’s OMG Social Media Conference took place on November 20th downtown Vancouver, and with a packed 8-hour schedule it looked to be a promising event – and certainly didn’t disappoint.

The recurrent theme throughout the day was WHY do you do what you do. Not WHAT, and not HOW (because, nobody really gives a s*&!), but WHY. What is the purpose of your business?

One of the opening questions was, what is the ROI of social media? The answer, what is the ROI of your socks!!? It’s something you just have to do. It’s expected. Perhaps a better question would have been, what is the potential loss of revenue by not being on social media? What revenue are you missing out on by not having a strong social media presence? A recent case study shows how $60k in incremental revenue was earned by a Fortune 500 company – $60k they might not have earned had they not had such a strong social presence.

Pubcon 2014: Days Two & Three Overview

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by Jody Nimetz

Going into day two I was excited that the day’s topics would be surrounding content marketing and developing content strategies. I was also looking forward to the keynote from Chris Brogan. I have been live blogging various sessions via twitter so be sure to check out my twitter handle at: @marketing_jive. Here is a rundown of some of the sessions that I attended on days two and three of Pubcon 2014.

Pubcon 2014: Day One Overview

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by Jody Nimetz

I am spending the week in one of my favorite cities, Las Vegas, for Pubcon Vegas 2014. This marks my third Pubcon event and, as I said last year, it will probably not be my last. I have attended a number of other search marketing conferences and have found that Pubcon is always a step above the rest.  This year the event takes place from October 6-9, 2014 (a few weeks earlier than in the past) at the Las Vegas Convention Center. I’ve been live  blogging various sessions via twitter so be sure to check out my twitter handle at: @marketing_jive. Here is a rundown of some of the sessions that I attended on Day One.

Organic Click-Through Rates in 2014

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by Jody Nimetz

Search Engines Results Pages have changed dramatically in recent years. How has this changed the impact of the prime real estate on a Google SERP and how does this impact where people actually click when they arrive on a Google SERP? Of course that is dependent on the type of search that a user conducts but historically you really want to be found in that prime real estate of a SERP. We have previously defined some of this prime real estate as Google’s Golden Triangle wherein the top three or four results on the SERP are the place to be if you want to be seen by a good proportion of searchers.

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