Web developers are normal people. Do you agree? Most probably if you are reading this article I am talking about you. So look in the mirror…are you normal? If you are a developer you would know about, or at least have heard about PHP. PHP is now being used by hundreds of thousands of developers, and it’s installed on several million sites across the Internet. We’re talking over 20% of the domains on the Internet people! So, how do you think technology like this was created then? Do you think it was built by a team in the massive building of a large company? Wrong…You are completely wrong. It was made by a single person (he happened to come from Canada if you feel that is relevant) who was just trying to make a simple set of Perl scripts that would see how much traffic was going to his online resume. Can you believe it? This is how technology evolves my friends. Normal people like you have tasks they need to complete and using a little bit of ingenuity, new ways of doing things are born. These small new ideas then help humanity to go forward as a whole species…in this case because now it is much easier to create a website on the Internet.
Feed Editor Lite, a software tool designed to create, edit and publish RSS feeds, has been released by Extralabs Software. Now, with Feed Editor Lite, webmasters have the ability to create new RSS feeds from scratch, or modify and enhance existing RSS feeds.
Designed for the Windows OS, this application enables you to create, edit and publish RSS feeds and podcasts surprisingly fast and easy. Compared to other RSS editors in its category, Feed Editor Lite combines an unprecedented number of features, including a support for various RSS formats, a podcasting support, a WYSIWYG HTML editor, an XML editor, an RSS Feed preview, an FTP upload and publishing, automatic date management, and an ability to convert CSV or HTML to RSS and back and others. All this is delivered in an intuitively transparent user interface that has been meticulously written in collaboration with usability groups and real end users.
You are a web-developing super-programmer who’s going to change the world. You know all about Perl, I mean it’s the most general purpose programming language around, and probably the most widely used for small ‘glue’ applications between other applications. It’s been described as the ‘duct tape’ of the Internet…Well it pretty much created the Internet that we know today. I decided to look into this super-language a bit deeper to see what I could find out about the people who created it. Boy was I unprepared! Have you ever see a computer language that has so many weird and strange affiliations? Haiku contests, ‘Keepers of the Pumpkin’, "manipulexity", "whipuptitude", ‘TMTOWTDI’ (pronounced TIM-toady), hubris, camels, "Swiss Army chain-saw"…Stepping into the world of Perl was taking a dive into some quirky humanity, some strange creation, a humorous extension of ingeniousness.
Have you got a beautiful website that no one knows is there? Want more visitors and customers to your website? Not appearing on the major search engines? Then you need Search Engine Optimisation and Professional Copywriting.
Having the right content and text on your website is essential in today's highly competitive world. There are so many websites on the World Wide Web, so many subjects and so many businesses for every single subject that it is getting harder and harder to attract people to yours.
In the last three columns, I explored the fundamentals of humans seeking information. To refresh your memory, the purpose of this series is to explore the importance of branding on the search page. Taking several steps back to begin my run at this topic (and risking a series that is “long and extremely wind baggy”, in the words of one reader), we’re now starting to get at some of the important concepts to understand in how we interact with a search results page.
If you are software savvy and creative at the same time, why not gear yourself up for a web design business at home? Web designers create websites from scratch. Not only do they write the code to present the site online, make a layout, create hyperlinks and insert information, they get to add all the nice touches that make a site attractive to visitors. No wonder web designers are proud of their work.
Webmasters are given the advice that they must attract links, but the key is not just to attract links... they need to attract good links. But what is the perfect link? The search for the perfect link need not be a quest in vain. Consider the following when attempting to attract links...
The third in the series in looking at how we search and how it might impact our brand relationships. Today, I look at how the emergence of web search marks a dramatic leap forward in our quest for information.
Getting started with podcasting is a relatively inexpensive venture. The equipment and software required for podcasting is inexpensive for a business contemplating podcasting as a new marketing and communication adventure.